Marimar Episode 18

Trapped in an Island... Caught Up in Love
Marimar Philippine TV Series 87 Sergio wakes up from his unconsciousness and his phone rings. Marimar checks who is calling. Her anger returns when she finds out it was Inocencia calling Sergio, so she grabs his phone and throws it in the ocean. Sergio isn�t please with what Marimar just did, telling her it was their only way to call for help and not they are indeed stuck in the island. Marimar ignores him and continues to do so until the next day, talking only to Fulgoso and pretending that Sergio�s replies are just ill winds. While the two are stranded, Sergio and Marimar swim showing a beautiful underwater seascape full of colourful fishes and sea plants.
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Sergio excitedly calls Marimar and Fulgoso stating he has caught a lot of fish. Indeed he has but such small fishes! MariMar does better, having only found two fishes but huge fishes were they that Sergio felt ashamed of his find and pretended to hide them by placing them in his pockets! Marimar chastise him for catching the baby fishes when they should have been given time to grow more. Fulgoso wisely scores Marimar a point and Sergio, bokya! (zero). Then we see Sergio rubbing two rocks together and muttering to a Fulgoso who is seriously watching him, �What good will two large fishes be if she couldn�t build a fire?� He attempts to make his fire spark to life but again Marimar calls Fulgoso while showing off a huge fire with one fish already done and the other being cooked. Fulgoso runs to his owner telling Sergio sorry, two points for Marimar and Sergio still zero. Sergio shouts to his wife that he is intending to eat his fish ala-sashimi style. Marimar asks what that means to which Sergio says that�s a Japanese style of preparing fish. Marimar doesn�t care, instead she teases Sergio how delicious and fresh her broiled fish is while giving Fulgoso a huge bite.
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Then Sergio calls Marimar and Fulgoso to check out his finished hut. He says it is small but surely the three of them would be able to fit in it. Marimar tests its stability by blowing hard and since it did not topple, she agreed that his built hut is strong indeed. Then she shows off her creation, a much bigger, stronger and nicer hut. Sergio is obviously troubled at how better Marimar is than him and sulks in his hut all by himself. Marimar continues to tease Sergio and at first, she did not want to share any of her food to Sergio although she did save a huge part of the second fish just for him. She checks him out in his hut and discovers that he�s got a fever. She gives him food and convinces him to move to her bigger hut.

Meanwhile, Corazon is giving away excess food to the resort staff: Arturo, Choi and Natalie. They were also singing praises as to how beautiful and kind-hearted Marimar is with Choi particularly keen on hearing more from Corazon who is the closest to Marimar among the staff, much to the resentment of Natalie who has been harboring feelings for Choi for a long time. Natalie leaves quite upset and goes to her room where she speaks with her �strange� sister about her frustrations about Choi and how Marimar is making it worse.
Marimar Philippine TV Series 94Marimar gives the sick Sergio tender loving care and had laid him in her hut, promising not to be so jealous and more trusting of her husband.


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